Here at MAH we not only have our own app in google play and itunes for free, but we also have the ability to connect with our clients through our telemedicine app. So what is telemedicine? This is the exchange of medical information through electronic means using emails, texting, pictures, and videos. I have been practicing telemedicine for about 3 years now and can honestly say it is a game changer for me personally and for my clients. Now my clients can contact me anytime and anywhere through our app and I can help triage their pets problem, recheck an ongoing medical issue, examine incisions, and simply give advice which in turns gives me and my clients peace of mind when it comes to their concerns regarding their babies. This is such a useful tool for those who are on the go and can't get their pets into the hospital during business hours; maybe you don't have transportation or transporting the pet is difficult; maybe your pet has severe anxiety when traveling; elderly clients and disabled clients; or your just not sure if your pet needs to be seen by the doctor. If you are interested in our telemedicine service, please call our front staff for more information at 913-422-0301 or to download the apps

just go to our website and the links are posted for ease and convenience. We hope you love this new technology because we love connecting to you!