Tis the season for all the curious little bugs to come out play 24/7. The weather is getting warmer and now your pets are prime targets for these pests. At MAH, we promote year long preventatives. Here in Kansas, we diagnose and treat tick borne disease on a weekly basis which is a very scary issue to deal with. Flea allergy dermatitis is the number one issue we see in the summer months. Heartworm disease is high in the Overland Park area so monthly prevention is a must. Because of the illness these pests can cause in your pets, we urge you to make this a priority in your pet's preventative health care. Flea preventatives can be topically applied or orally eaten. Here at MAH we offer Frontline Plus, Bravecto, and Seresto collars. Most heartworm preventatives consist of monthly chewable treats such as Interceptor Plus and Heartgard Plus, or there is the option of a 6 month injectable Proheart 6 product. We also promote our online Vetsource Pharmacy which can deliver your pets products direct to your home with monthly coupons and discounts for our clients. Making sure you buy your pet's products from veterinary sourced pharmacy is very important because many online pharmacies have been known to sell counterfeit products. Always trust your veterinary source, for they have your pet's best interest at heart
. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your pet's parasite control, please don't hesitate to call us at 913-422-0301.