I wanted to take the time to update and
refresh my clients with my grooming policies
and services. I am so fortunate to have such
a large and loyal clientele. I want to continue
to have your support and give you the same
service you have always known. If you have
any questions please don’t hesitate to reach
out to me. Thank you all so much!
-DeLisa Bouchard
New Clients: I am no longer accepting new
groom clients. If I have not seen your pet within
the last year, you will be considered a new client
and I will be unable to schedule you for future
grooming appointments.
Existing Clients: I am doing my best to
accommodate new pets of established clients,
however, I will be unable to take any new large
breed grooms at this time.
Grooming Policies and Services
Drop Off Time
Drop off is between 7:00 am and 9:00 am.
We will not accept any grooms after 9:00 am.
If you miss your appointment I may not be able to
see you until your next scheduled appointment.
Pick Up
I will give you a call as soon as your pet is ready.
You can pick up your pet at your convenience any
time before closing at 5:30 pm.
I try to work close to a first come, first serve basis.
If you need an early pick up, I ask that you drop off
no later than 7:30 am. I can’t always guarantee an
early pick up so let me know as soon as possible.
If you need to reschedule any appointment please
let me know as soon as possible. I do have a very
busy schedule and book 6-months out. As I want
to make sure I can give your pets the time and
attention they need for their grooms please know
that because of this I may not be able to fit you in
until your next scheduled appointment.
No Shows
If you have not canceled your appointment by
9:00 am on the day of your appointment you will
be considered a no show.
● There will be a $25 charge for no shows.
● There will not be a charge for canceling your
Bath & Brush
Aloe & oatmeal shampoo and conditioner with a rinse,
blowdry, and brush/comb to clean coat. Service also
includes nail trimming, ear cleaning, and a trim in front
of the eyes, bangs, sanitary area, and feet including
the paw pads. Anal glands expressed during bath.
Includes everything from the Bath & Brush with
extended bath time to work in shampoo and
conditioner to loosen the undercoat, extended rinse
and blow drying to release the dead undercoat, and
extended brush out with deshedding tools.
Full Groom
Includes everything from the Bath & Brush plus a full
body trim.
Cat Grooms
Cat groom services include a full body trim with long
tail or a lion cut, nail trim, and ear cleaning
Add-On Services
Dremel Nails
In addition to trimming the nails I will use the Dremel
to file and smooth the nails.
Trim Feathers
Includes an outline trim, back of legs, undercarriage,
and tail.
Medicated Shampoo
Temporary or Permanent Color